Nothing big, just need to shoot to keep my game and skills on tack. In the words of my good friend, fellow photographer, and co-owner of TYE STUDIOS, ANDRE ROWE, "Photography is like any sport, you need to practice to better your skills as a photographer. Should you stop shooting, you will "get cold" and might actually move backwards instead of forward. And should it be "game-time" and you are asked to make the winning basket on the foul line in front of hundreds of people, will you be ready or will you freeze up? Practice practice practice. Shoot and "test" as often as possible, because when a client hires you for a job and it is most likely some new project you've never encountered before, you will already have the confidence and the skills to perform in front of that client.
photographers: Now when was the last time you picked up your camera? models: Or shot with a photographer? Perhaps something we all need to think of.